Bank Job Solution

Bangladesh Krishi Bank Job Solution 2017

1. If n is an even integer, which of the followings must be an odd integer, [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. 7n – 2              B. 5(n -2)               C. (16n+24)/8         D. (6n+12)/3
Ans: C. (16n+24)/8        
2. Tamim runs diagonally across a rectangular field twice that has a length of 40 yards and a width of 30 yards. What is the length of the diagonal, in yards, that Tamim runs? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. 50 yards              B.70 yards                C. 100 yards           D. 600 yards
Ans: A (Only diagonal not distance)
3. Solve the following inequality: -2x – 5 > x – 2 [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.x>1                  B.x<-1                   C x < 1            D. x > 3
Ans: B
4. In a class 78 students, 41 are taking French and 22 are taking German. Of the students taking French or German, 9 are taking both courses. How many students are not enrolled in either course? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.6         B.15         C.24             D. 64
Ans: C
5. If 3-6 × 7 + 6 ÷4 = x, what is the value of x ? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. -3.75         B. 37.5         C. -37.5          D.-40.5
Ans: C
6. What is the next number in the series 3,18, 90, 360, ….? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. 720              B.480                C. 1800         D.1080
Ans: D
7. If the hour hand of a clock is turned anticlockwise from 2 pm to 9 am, thoroughly how many degrees will it have turned? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.210                B.570               C.150              D.510
Ans: C
8. One third of a number is four times of eleven. What is the half of that number? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A .66                B.44            C.132              D.264
Ans: A
9. Average of 6 numbers is 8.5. When one number is discarded, the avenge of the remaining numbers , becomes 7.2. What is the discarded number? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A 7.8         B. 6.5       C.16          D.15
ans: D
10. The business partners Rahim. Sohel and Karim agree to divide their Total profit for a certain year in the ratio 2:5:8. If Sohel’s profit was Taka 20,000 what was the total profit of the business for the year? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. Taka 800       B.Taka 32,000         C. Taka 52,000         D. Taka 60,000
Ans: D
11. What is the value of x in the figure below? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.36         B.5          C. 20              D. 10
Ans: B
12. Mr. A and Mr. B have a combined weekly salary of Taka 1,000. If salary of A is increased by 2.5 times and salary of B is increased by 1.5 times, the combined salary would be Taka 1600. What was the original salary of B? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. Taka 100         B.Taka 250          C. Taka 900            D. Taka 1350
Ans: C
13. Jahir has 15 red balls; he gives Sami 3 balls. Sami now has twice the number of balls Jahir has left. How many balls did Sami have at the beginning? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.24          B.12          C. 27         D. 21
Ans: D
14. When a number is divided by 5, The remainder is 3. If the square of this number is divided by 5 then What is the remainder? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.5        B.4         C. 7           D. 1
Ans: B

15. The value of -3 -(-10) is how much greater than the value of -10 – (-3)? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.0          B. -7           C.7           D.14
Ans: D
16. If a photocopier makes 2 copies in 1/3 second, at the same rate, how many copies does it make in 4 minutes? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.1200          B. 24            C.144            D.1440
Ans: D
17. A pen is sold for Taka 48 with a 20% profit. What is the purchase price of the pen? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.32              B. 40           C.48              D.57.6
Ans: B
18. A bank pays simple interest rate of 8% on investment. If you invest Taka 5,000 in the bank, how much money would you get after 8 years? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. 9,255         B. 3,200           C. 5,320             D. 8,200
Ans: D (5000+3200 = 8200)
19. If 16^2x+4 =4^3x+3 then x = ? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.- 5          B. 1         C.0         D. – 1
Ans: A
20. If the length and width of a rectangular garden plot were each increased by 20% what would be the percent increase in the area of the plot? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. 20%         B. 44,          C. 144%         D. 40
Ans: B
21. Find the slope of the line 5x – 5y = 7 [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. 5         B.5/7           C. 1           D.7/5
Ans: C
22. If a man walks 14 kilometer/hour instead of 10 kilometer/hour, he would have walked 20 kilometers more. The actual distance travelled by him is: [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. 30 kilometer          B. 50 kilometer           C. 80 kilometer           D. 70 kilometer
Ans: b
23. In the coordinate plane, for which one of the following values of x would the graph of the equation y = x^3 -x^2-6x not touch thc x-axis? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A.2          B.3         C. -2          D.0
Ans: D
24. How many 3-digit integers can be chosen such that none of the digits appear more than twice, none of the digits equal 0? [BKB (officer) – 2017]
A. 729             B. 720          C. 756            D. 504
Ans: B (9^3-9=720.)


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