BCS Question

BCS Question: English - 13

21. Select the answer of the world ‘stagflagation’  ( অর্থনৈতিক মন্দা )
a)   Controlled price                             b)   Economic show down
c)   A disntegratin government         d)   Cultural dullness
Ans:-     b) Economic show down
22. What is the meaning of the word ‘Scuttle’? ( দ্রুত ত্যগ / প্রস্থান করা )
a)  To tease                                        b) Abandon
c)  Pile up                                          c)   gossip
   Ans:-     b)  abandon
23.  What is the meaning of the word ‘belated’? ( মন্থর গতিতে )
a)  Complaining                                        b) off hand
c)  Weak                                                     c)   tardy
   Ans:-    c)   tardy
24.  What is the meaning of the word ‘stanch’? ( শেষ/বন্ধ বা রোধ করা )
a) To reinforce                                        b) be Weak
c) Smooth out                                         c) put an end to
   Ans:-   c) put an end to
25.  What is the meaning of the word ‘sequence’? (ক্রমসমূহ বা অনুক্রমিক )
a) To follow                                        b) round up
c) With draw                                    c) question closely
   Ans:-  a) To follow                                        
26.  What is the meaning of the word ‘euphemism’? ( সুভাষণ/ মধুর ভাষণ )
a) Vague                                                      b) Verbal play
c) In offensive expression                         d) Wise saying
   Ans:-  c) In offensive expression                        
27. The Rainbow’ is –
a) a poem by Wordsworth                               b) a short story by Somerset Maugham
c) a novel by D.H.Lawrence                              d) a verse by Coleridge
Ans:-  c) a novel by D.H.Lawrence                             
28. ‘Tome Jones’ by Henry Fielding was first published in –
a) the 1st half of 19 century                          b) the 2nd  half of the 19 century
c) the 1st  half of 18  century                        d) the 2nd half of the 18 century
Ans:-  a) the 1st half of 19 century
29. The literary work ‘Kubla Khan’ is –
a) a history by Vincent Smith                           b) a verse by Coleridge
c) a drama by Oscar Wild                                  d) a short story  by Somerset Maugham
Ans:-  b) a verse by Coleridge
30. T.S. Eliot was born in –
a) Ireland                                                               b) England
c) Wales                                                                  d) USA
Ans:- d) USA
31. What was the real name of the great American short story writer O’ Henry?
a)  Samuel L Clemens                                                      b) William Sydney Porter
c) Fitz-James O’ Brien                                                      d) William Huntigton Wright
Ans:-  b) William Sydney Porter

32. Anything ‘pernicious’ tends to injure or destroy. Something which has no such harmful effect is –
a)  innocuous ( যা অনিষ্ট করে না )                                  b) innocent
c)  immaculate                                                                      d) salutary
Not:- pernicious মানে ক্ষতি করে/ ধ্বংস করে প্রশ্নে এর বিপ্ররিতটা ছেয়েছে
Ans:-  a)  innocuous ( যা অনিষ্ট করে না ) 
33. Do not worry, English grammar is not ____to understand. Which of the following does best fit in the blank space?
a) so difficult                                                              b) very difficult
c) too difficult                                                            d) difficult enough
Ans:-  c) too difficult
34. We (not have) a holiday since the beginning of the year. Which of the following verb forms does best complete the above sentence?
a) did not have                                                         b) have not had
c) are not having                                                      d) had not had
Ans:-  b) have not had
35. If I were you . I (handle) the situation more carefully.  Which of the following verb forms does best complete the above sentence?
a) would handle                                               b) will handle
c) handle                                                           d) would have  handle
 Ans:-  a) would handle                                               
36. It’s time (you, realize) your mistakes.  Which of the following verb forms does best complete the above sentence?
a) you realized                                                            b) that you realize
c) you would realize                                                   d) you have realized
Ans:- a) you realized                          
37. We have recently entered ----- an agreement with the Inland Co-operative Society. .  Which of the following does best fit in the blank space?
a) no preposition                                                         b) upon
c) in                                                                                d) into
Ans:- d) into
38. The boy from the village said, “I ----starve than beg.” Which of the following verb forms does best complete the above sentence?
a) better                                                                    b) rather
c) would rather                                                        d) would bette
Ans:- c) would rather 
39. It is too difficult to ‘tolerate’ bad temper for long. Which of the following phrases does best replace ‘tolerate’ in the above sentence?
a) cope up with                                                             b) put up with
c) stand up for                                                               d) pull on with
Ans:- b) put up with
40. I have never seen such a slow coach like you, this small work has taken you three full months. What does the idiom ‘a slow coach’ mean?
a) an irresponsible person                                          b) a careless person
c) an unthoughtful person                                          d) a very lazy person
Ans:- d) a very lazy person
Not:- a slow coach phrase মানে ধীর প্রকৃতির লোক।


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