Comprehensive Solutions to BCS Exam Questions

BCS Question: English - 11

19. ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ was stated by –
Shakespeare                            c)   Gladstone
Emerson                                  d)   Disraeli
Ans:-  c)  Gladstone
20. ‘Syntax’ means –
Supplementary tax               c)   Manner of speech
Sentence building                 d)  Synchronizing act
Ans:-    b)  Sentence building     
21. Choose the correct sentence –
He was hunged for murder.
He was been hunged for murder.
He was hanged for murder.
He had been hunged for murder.
Ans:-  c)  He was hanged for murder
22. Choose the correct sentence –
The rich is not always happy.
Rich is not always happy.
The rich is not happy always.
The rich are not always happy.
Ans:-  d)  The rich are not always happy.
23. What is the synonym of ‘Incite’?
Urge                            c)  Instigate
Permit                        d)  Deceive
Ans:-  c)  Instigate
24. What is the antonym ‘Honorary’?
     a)  Literary                     b)  Honorable
     c)  Salaried                    d)  Official
Ans:-  c)  Salaried 
25. What is the verb of the word ‘Abillity’?
Enable                     c)   Ably
Ableness                 d)  Able
Ans:-  a)  Enable 
26. Who is the poet of the ‘Victorian Age’?
Mathew Arnold
Helen Keller
Robert Browning
Ans:-  d)  Robert Browning
27. Who is the author of ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’?
Lord Tennison
Charles Dickens
Ernest Heming Way
Ans:-  d)  Ernest Heming Way
28. Fill in the blanks ‘He has assured me --- safety.’
       a)  with              b)  of              c)  for              d)  at
Ans:-  b)  of
29. ‘May Allah help you’  What kind of sentence is this?
Assertive                                c)  Optative
Imperative                             d)  Exclamatory
Ans:-  c)  Optative
30. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Rolling is –
      a)  Gerund                                   b)  Participle
      c)  Verbal noun                          d)  Adjective
Ans:-  b)  Participle
31. He has been ill ----Friday last. Fill in the blank.
      a)  in          b)  since          c)  from          d)  on
Ans:-  b)  since
32. Which is the noun of the word ‘Beautiful’?
Ans:-  b)  Beauty
33. ‘Hold water’ means –
Keep water                             c)  Bear examination
Store water                            d)  Drink water
Ans:-  c)  Bear examination
34. ‘Out and out’ means –
Not at all
Man of outside
To be last
Ans:-  d)        Thoroughly


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